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Abstract must be submitted in English


Last call for submitting Abstract for Siamoc 2024

June 9th, 2024


Complete the following FORM using the following directions.


All scientific contributions submitted will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, selected according to the topic covered in the paper. Clinical papers will be assigned to at least two clinical reviewers, and methodological papers to at least two engineers. The reviewers will assign a rating based on four criteria: Relevance, Methodology, Presentation of Results, Impact.
The ratings will help determine the mode of presentation and determine eligibility for publication in the Special Issue of the journal Gait & Posture. Such publication may be conditional on the Scientific Committee's request for English language review.

Notification of acceptance of the work to the Authors will be made by July 7th, 2024.

All scientific contributions submitted will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, selected according to the topic covered in the paper. Clinical papers will be assigned to at least two clinical reviewers, and methodological papers to at least two engineers. The reviewers will assign a rating based on four criteria: Relevance, Methodology, Presentation of Results, Impact.
The ratings will help determine the mode of presentation and determine eligibility for publication in the Special Issue of the journal Gait & Posture. Such publication may be conditional on the Scientific Committee's request for English language review.

Notification of acceptance of the work to the Authors will be made by June 30, 2024.

All scientific contributions submitted will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee, selected according to the topic covered in the paper. Clinical papers will be assigned to at least two clinical reviewers, and methodological papers to at least two engineers. The reviewers will assign a rating based on four criteria: Relevance, Methodology, Presentation of Results, Impact.
The ratings will help determine the mode of presentation and determine eligibility for publication in the Special Issue of the journal Gait & Posture. Such publication may be conditional on the Scientific Committee's request for English language review.

Notification of acceptance of the work to the Authors will be made by July 7th, 2024.


  • Fields marked with (*) are required.

  • Title, abstract and affiliations (i.e., names of institution, city and country) must be given in English.

  • The title should not exceed 200 characters. In the title only the first letter of the first word is in upper case, all other words in the title should be written in lower case block letters.

  •  Abstracts should be structured to include the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion.

  •  The body of the abstract should not exceed 400 words.

  •   All abbreviations must be defined before being used in the text.

  •   Only one table or figure may be included. Tables or figures must be attached as a separate file via this Web site. Ensure that tables and figures are readable after a 25% reduction. Any tables and figures should always be referred to in the text and should have a brief descriptive caption (or title). Tables should be attached editable in a Word document (accepted formats: .doc, .docx) and not as images. Please indicate the units of the variables reported. If present, images of human subjects should be anonymized.

  • You are requested to include 3 to 5 keywords relevant to your abstract.

  • The use of in-text citations is suggested, up to a maximum of 6. Please enter citations as follows: [1,2,3]. Please refer to the following examples for citation format:

[1] Author ME, Author SF. Journal Year;Vol(issue):Pag-Pag.

[2] Author ME, et al. Journal Year;Vol(issue):Pag-Pag.

[3] Author D. Book Title, Publisher, City, Year.

Authors will receive confirmation of receipt of the scientific contribution from the SIAMOC 2024 Organizing Secretariat.
This receipt should be kept as a reference for future communications.



All accepted contributions will be made available to Congress participants. Authors are responsible for the content and quality of scientific contributions. No editing will be done on the received papers. It is therefore of paramount importance that the abstract is correctly written, free of spelling errors.

Submission of the scientific contribution implies acceptance of the following rules for participation in the Congress:

  • All Authors approve the submission of the scientific contribution for presentation.

  • Authors share the copyright of the scientific contribution to the Congress.

  • Authors agree to prepare their presentations (oral and poster) as directed by the Congress Committee.

  • At least one Author listed in the list of Authors, registered at the Congress, must be available to present the work if accepted. Authors agree to notify the Congress Secretariat as soon as possible of any changes in the Author who will present the paper.


All scientific contribution proposals for the Italian Society of Movement Analysis in Clinic should be written in English, according to the format guidelines below. It will be possible to proceed with the submission of Abstracts starting April 01st, 2024 in the Form that will be fillable on this page.

The last date for submission of scientific contributions to the SIAMOC 2024 Congress is June 9th, 2024. Please read the Guidelines for Abstracts page carefully.




The language of presentation can be Italian or, for foreign speakers, English. However, it is suggested that the slides be prepared in English so that foreign participants can read them.

The required format for the slides is wide-screen (16:9).

Accepted formats are .ppt or .pdf.

The duration of each talk will be 11 minutes in total, including 9 minutes for presentation and 2 devoted to any questions.

Oral presentations will be given at the times that the Scientific Committee will indicate in the final program.

All authors who will present their work are strongly encouraged to scrupulously check the length of their presentations. Adherence to the timing is essential for successful presentations and effective and stimulating discussion. To this end, session moderators are mandated to strictly enforce scheduled times.
The times during which presentations can be uploaded to the dedicated station are as follows: from 8:00 to 8:45 a.m., from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m., and during coffee breaks.

All those who are to give oral presentations during the first morning session (beginning 9:45 a.m.) must upload slides by the previous evening.


  • Slides should be prepared in PowerPoint 16:9 format.

  • The official language of the congress is Italian, so the oral presentation should preferably be given in Italian.

  • To facilitate foreign guests, speakers are asked to prepare slides in English.

  • Please check the time of your presentation in the congress program and information sheets (the updated program is available at

  • The time allocated for each presentation is:

  • 11 minutes for oral presentations, including 8 minutes for the presentation and 3 minutes for any questions from the floor;

  • 45 minutes for the magisterial readings, including 35 minutes for the presentation and 10 for any questions from the floor.

  • It is requested that the presentation be uploaded to the computer in the presentation room at least 15 minutes before the start of the session and, in any case, no later than the last available break before the session.

  • When uploading the presentation, please check carefully for display errors, particularly with regard to video and mathematical/symbolic expressions.

  • Please be present at least 10 minutes before the start of the session and notify the chairpersons of your presence.

  • Please remain in the room throughout the session from start to finish so as to ensure smooth transitions between presenters of individual presentations.

  • Moderators will be asked to be extremely strict about adherence to time and, if necessary, to stop presentations that go beyond the allotted time.


The Congress Poster sessions aim to maximize interactions and exchange of scientific information/ideas between event participants and sponsors. To this end, the duration of the sessions will be two and a half hours and will include lunch.

Posters presented on Thursday 5 October must be placed by 10am on the same day and removed by 7pm on the same day.

Posters presented on Friday 6 October must be placed by 10am on the same day and removed by 7pm on the same day.

Posters left after the indicated deadlines will be removed and kept at the secretariat until the end of the Congress and no later.

The poster must include: Title, Authors' names and affiliations (with a contact author's email address), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion and Bibliographic references. A clear and concise style is appreciated and, if possible, the presentation of the results in graphical and/or tabular form. If there are photos of subjects, they must be made unrecognizable. It is suggested to write the text of the poster in English to allow foreign participants to read it.

The maximum dimensions of the posters are: 70 cm (width) x 100 cm (height).


The poster must be 70 x 100 cm in size to fit within the dimensions of the board.


  • The presentation of each poster is scheduled for a single day of the conference (Thursday, Oct. 5 and Friday, Oct. 6).

  • Please check the conference schedule to identify the day of the presentation (the updated version of the schedule can be downloaded at

  • Poster authors are asked to assemble the poster on the morning of the presentation day before 9:00 a.m. or during the coffee break (11:15 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.) and take down the poster at the end of the presentation day. At the end of each day all posters will be disassembled and collected at the secretariat desk.

  • The presenting author must make himself or herself available for discussion at the poster for the duration of the poster session.


The authors (presenting authors) of the posters should prepare a single slide (PowerPoint 16:9 format).

The slide, in .ppt or .pdf format, should be sent to no later than September 27, 2023.

The Panic session will be held at the beginning of the Poster Session. Poster authors will have 1 m to present their poster via the slide sent to the conference organizers.

At the end of the Panic session, poster authors will go next to their poster and the Poster Session will begin.

Poster authors are asked to check on the page, (once the final congress program is published) in which session (Poster Session 1, Thursday, 5/10, or Poster Session 2, Friday, 6/10) theirs has been placed.


• The presenting authors of the posters must prepare a single slide (16:9 PowerPoint format).
• The slide, in .ppt or .pdf format, must be sent to the following no later than September 27, 2023.
• The Panic session will take place at the beginning of the Poster Session. The authors of the posters will have 30 seconds to present their poster via the slide sent to the conference organizers.
• At the end of the Panic session, the poster authors will go to their poster and the Poster Session will begin.
• The authors of the posters are asked to check on the page, (once the definitive program of the congress has been published) in which session (Poster Session 1, Thursday 5/10, or Poster Session 2 , Friday 6/10) your poster has been inserted.

The authors (presenting authors) of the posters must prepare a single slide (PowerPoint 16:9 format).
• The slide, in .ppt or .pdf format, must be sent to the no later than September 27th, 2023.
• The Panic session will take place at the beginning of the Poster Session. Poster authors will have 30 s to present their poster via the slide sent to the congress organizers.
• At the end of the Panic session, poster authors will go to their poster and the Poster Session will begin.
• Poster authors are requested to check at, (once the final congress program has been published) in which session (Poster Session 1, Thursday 5/10, or Poster Session 2, Friday 6 /10) their poster has been placed.

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